Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Tale of Two Sides...

Let's hear it for Photo-ops... In Annapolis, Shrub had wonderful pix taken of himself with Olmert and Abbas shaking hands, ooh, I'm getting all warm and fuzzy... Not! Let's see what the other sides, had to say about it...

From the BBC: "In Jerusalem, Israelis gathered at the Western Wall on Monday to protest against the conference. Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu labelling the meeting 'a continuation of one-sided concessions'."

Next, Hamas' reaction;
Hamas controls the internal affairs of the Gaza Strip and says it will not be bound by anything decided in Annapolis. In Gaza on Tuesday thousands of people joined a rally protesting against the talks, many of them chanting 'Abbas is a traitor' and 'We will not recognise Israel'."

I think Bibi nailed it... It appears to be headed down the same dismal road as Oslo, and the myriad others that litter the landscape of Israeli/Palestinian relations...

1 comment:

madmommy said...

Evening CT. Are you somehow insinuating that this meeting will not bring about true and lasting peace in the Middle East and forever secure the legacy of GWB as the greatest preznit ever?!?!

And BTW, firsties!